Brexit – Is UK Business Prepared?

by | May 4, 2018

Recent reports in the Lloyds Loading List, suggest that more than a third (36%) of UK traders are not yet preparing for post Brexit customs procedures, even though most rely heavily on just-in-time delivery of their import and export products.

The survey, of over 800 UK importers and exporters, highlighted that while numerous UK businesses expect disruption, caused by administration and congestion, they are yet to make plans to accommodate the new European landscape.

Customs Insights Managing Director – Terry Clear – commented “These numbers are hardly surprising when you consider the uncertainty that has surrounded any potential trade agreements and the time scales associated with such an astronomic adjustment”.

Dover based Customs Insights are working closely with many UK businesses in preparation for the road ahead. This includes delivering consultancy, AEO application and management, and in conjunction with the Supply Chain Academy are providing a range of educational webinars.


Around one third of the trucks and ferries that transport goods between the UK and the EU transit through the Port of Dover or neighbouring Eurotunnel. With the UK government making clear its intention to leave the customs union, Dover is expected to maintain a pivotal role in the future of Anglo-European trade.

Terry previously explained “Customs Insights have been preparing for the UK to leave the customs union for some time. Last year we moved to larger premises and as a Dover based customs specialist, we have been resourcing to cope with the demand that thousands of additional customs entries will bring.

If exporters or importers require assistance with their future customs strategy, then we are happy to help. While the Brexit transitional period is agreed to run until December 2020, we do urge importers and exporters to start considering their options now”.

In other Brexit news – many industry leaders have this week welcomed news that the UK Transport Committee have launched an inquiry to examine the potential effects of Brexit on UK logistics.

The inquiry will not be considering customs arrangements, but will look at the steps required to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of Brexit for UK logistics businesses, particularly with regard to investment in transport infrastructure and changes to transport policy and regulation.

For further information on how Customs Insights can assist with your future customs strategy, please email or call 01304 211652.


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