Brexit Could Cause M26 Closures

by | Oct 15, 2018

lf Britain leaves the EU without a deal, the M26 motorway located in the South East of England, will be closed every night for almost six weeks to create an area that allows lorries to queue in the event of customs delays.

As the deadline for Brexit approaches, ministers and manufacturers, are concerned that a failure to strike a deal with Brussels could lead to long queues for freight crossing the channel, due to the need for extra customs and regulatory checks.

Last week, a Tory MP announced that work has already began to turn the M26 into a ‘parking lot’.

With Highways England confirming that it has been asked by the Department for Transport to find ways for the M26 to be altered in the event of major hold-ups at Dover.

While the work is being carried out, the M26 will close down every night between November 19th and December 21st 2018. Diversions are in place via the M25 and M20 for drivers who face disruption.

Similar work is currently being done on the M20 under a project codenamed Operation Brock.

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