Brexit Unwrapped At The Academy

by | Dec 12, 2018

Customs Insights and group partner the Supply Chain Academy – collaborated to deliver their most recent thought leadership event last week, which covered the most topical and important issue of the millennium so far – Brexit.

The dinner event, held at our Upminster Court Headquarters,  was a great success, with over 100 supply chain leaders in attendance from a variety of businesses and industries. 

Before dinner, Alex Golledge – Deputy Agent at the Bank of England provided a snap-shot of the current state of the UK economy and then our panel of experts answered question from the audience about how businesses can prepare for the medium and long-term results of Brexit.

Some of the thought provoking questions asked by our audience and answered by our experts included:

  • What should a company concentrate upon when contingency planning for a number of possible unknown brexit outcomes?
  • How will Brexit affect the UK’s manufacturing industry?
  • If there is no Brexit deal what does this mean for import of products into the UK?

To find out the answers to these, and further questions, we will be releasing a video of the event in the near future. The next thought leadership event will be held in the Spring of 2019, with the topic to be confirmed.

Guests left the event with a renewed understanding of the specific challenges and opportunities presented by Brexit, along with the latest information and a host of tips for offsetting the risks. Achieving AEO (Approved Economic Operator) was suggested as giving a  possible advantage in the future European supply chain and was also discussed in depth by the panel and the audience

Supply Chain Academy Commercial & Programme Director – Alex Mortimer – commented “The feedback I received from guests suggests the event was a great success. While there remains much doubt on the political front as to the way forward for the country, there was certainly lots of positive solutions shared, leaving our attendees with much food for thought”

“Our thought leadership events are always designed to provide insight, generate topical debate and to enable supply chain leaders to network with their peers. Last week’s event was no different and we would like to  thank everybody who attended for their participation”.

The Supply Chain Academy is the only worldwide learning centre that focuses solely on the supply chain, providing masterclasses designed for a more global Great Britain, including our Brexit workshop. 

If you would like to know more about how the Supply Chain Academy can add leverage to your supply chain, then please email or call 01708 259450.

Customs Insights provide a range of customs related solutions including consultancy, customs clearance, Brexit planning, AEO application and management, CFSP bureau services and specialist regime management. To talk to one of our customs specialists about planning for Brexit, then please email enquiries@customs or call 01304 211652. 

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