Deadline For Brexit Deal Moves

by | Aug 29, 2018

Reports today are suggesting that the deadline for agreeing the UK’s divorce from the EU has unofficially been moved from October to the middle of November.

It is believed that the longer time frame has been agreed as little headway is being made with a mutually agreeable trade deal, and without this extension a hard Brexit is looking inevitable.

Both parties are reportedly keen to ensure the terms of the exit are outlined before leaders meet President Trump at the Group of 20 nations summit at the end of November. Therefore, it appears that the decision whether we enter into a hard or soft Brexit is likely to be apparent in the next 11-12 crucial weeks.

While the UK government is still reporting that a no-deal scenario is unlikely, last week they published a guidance page outlining how trade will be affected if no deal was reached, which can be found HERE.

Notably, one of the recommendations for the no-deal route is the need for importers and exporters to have a registered EORI number, which we have also been communicating recently.

It is believed that should a hard Brexit materialise, customs declarations on EU arrivals may not be required at the time of entry and might be submitted retrospectively, subject to an EORI number being declared upon arrival.

If you do not currently have an EORI number then please contact us to discuss our EORI application service.

To find out more about how Customs Insights can add assist with your post-Brexit customs preparations, then please call 01304 211652 or email


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