Managing A No Deal Brexit

UK members of parliament will be voting on the government’s Brexit plan for a deal with the EU next week, and it is widely predicted that they will vote against Theresa May.
A ‘no’ majority will surely move us further towards the chance of a ‘no deal’ or ‘hard’ Brexit, which will continue the uncertainty for thousands of businesses that are currently trading with the EU.
To help businesses make provision for this eventuality, Customs Insights have prepared our informative ‘Preparing For A No Deal Brexit’ guide, in conjunction with group partners Uniserve.
The guide includes summarised information on customs, excise, VAT, tariffs, storage, transit and trade agreements, before outlining what actions you can take now.
To view the document, just click the download pdf button below.
Customs Insights provide a range of customs related solutions including consultancy, customs clearance, Brexit planning, AEO application and management, CFSP bureau services and specialist regime management. To talk to one of our customs specialists about planning for Brexit, then please email enquiries@customs or call 01304 211652.
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